THE FUTURE IS UNDER ATTACK. Africa, a continent of able men. Courageous to do jobs of machines, and yet meeting up with marital demands. Colored by darkest of colors, the symbols of greatness and strength. From time of creation, down to the center were our strength were betrayed for portage that have slowly kept our future under attack. From the early 16th/17th centuries, came the dilution of wine of our future. That which has generated into aborting the babies in the womb, or causing mental and physical inabilities of the future we dance for in anticipation. To some we are tilting the right path, while to others we are still taking in pills that are destroying the formation of the future. First we were free, then became captured by some masters, diffusing into servitude, and the builders of nations we are forever strangers to. Breeding their dollars, and lending our freedom all for piece of cakes, not even considering our future to be under attack. Today our act...