Africa, a continent of able men.
Courageous to do jobs of machines, and yet meeting up with marital demands.
Colored by darkest of colors, the symbols of greatness and strength.
From time of creation, down to the center were our strength were betrayed for portage that have slowly kept our future under attack.
From the early 16th/17th centuries, came the dilution of wine of our future.
That which has generated into aborting the babies in the womb, or causing mental and physical inabilities of the future we dance for in anticipation.

To some we are tilting the right path, while to others we are still taking in pills that are destroying the formation of the future.
First we were free, then became captured by some masters, diffusing into servitude, and the builders of nations we are forever strangers to.
Breeding their dollars, and lending our freedom all for piece of cakes, not even considering our future to be under attack.

Today our actions, or to say; 
The actions of our fathers are bygone, then why using the money we gathered to buy guns for the distribution of ourselves.

Yes I said Africa, but why are you looking left and right as if Africa was a person to be caught, beaten, and locked up for the crimes she didn’t commit?.
Now your hearts are covered in blacks, starring as if am a prophet of doom, forgetting so quickly that our actions has imprisoned the future, and exposing her to death. 
Yes we aren’t safe because the future is under attack.

Now at the reality of time, in the early 1960’s.
We pointed at different liberators as brainwashers, and destroyers of peace, through various dictator’s, and presidents of our future, and in silence we berried in truth.
 "Is it Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, and Botswana, Madagascar or Nigeria?.
Name them."

Ok let me be calm because it might be said that, I haven’t crossed the shores of Nigeria which is nothing but the truth, only on the bases that my legs haven’t touch the soil of other African countries.
But to be frank, my eyes and mind has visited them countless of times through technology.

Welcome to Nigeria, that is what I tell myself.
A place where policy for hate speech are made, without establishing or effecting punishment for hate actions.

• A place where visually everything is imported, without harvesting in indigenous products.

• A place where white chocks that kept our health stable for only few weeks, are chosen over roots and herbs, that would forever make us free from same diseases we took the chocks for.

• A place where Boko haram and other destroyers of peace, are given scholarship, and morality of good citizens lacks attention talk more of better education.


A country where activist are tagged terrorist, all because they speak for a course they believe in, and opposes wha they saw not to be right.
Same place where those who speak the truth are jailed, and murdered in cold blood like ken Saro Wiwa in November 1995.
A place where gunshot sounds like drums in the ears of citizens.
Oh!! Nigerian’s can’t we still see that our future lacked what would have madeit beautiful, and acceptable In the Wilder world?.

Yes that which your mind is telling you it is true because, she fears our generation, and the future some  kill, fight, steal, and even blackmail others for.
What else do we have to see, before we understand that the future is almost aborted.
To mention but a few.
"Can’t we see that our medical doctors are now bankers, our lab scientists are hair stylist’s, Engineers are politicians, and those that studied administration / leadership serves as tugs?."

Are we still blind to see that our future is under attack?.
To the extent that we Photoshop the truth, and airbrush the mistakes of our administrator’s all because we are members of APC, PDP, or ACCORD ETC.

Yes our future is under attack, because we live in a nation where the press is only free to show the world what the evil dowers wishes to show.

Africans what do you think of the fearful future  of debt that await us, and our children?.
Don't you think, our future is under attack?.
Africa what do you think?
