Growing up was way too interesting than we enjoyed it.
The unlimited happiness of childhood, a stage in life where we had to worry about nothing else but ourselves.
A stage of carelessness, mistakes and ignorance.
A stage where all we wanted was the now.

How beautiful was it yet, we where forced to accept adulthood, punished for our mistakes and prevented from exhibiting /exploring the stage to it's fullest.
In other to prevent us from our true identity, lies where framed to keep us scared that we accepted adulthood before we became adults.

The lies they told us.
✓Read, Musa read so that you don't end up like papa Adamu.
✓Baridule don't speak up so that we don't loose you like your ancestors who rebelled against dictatorship government and the Colonia matters.
Choose only friends from Godly background because evil communication corrupt good manners.
✓If you want to be successful, then get the 4A degree paper so that you can be employed.

Oh how interesting those lies were that we had to work really hard and read all day never to end up like papa Adamu, but to be employed by our government or never to end up like our ancestors.

This is adulthood, a stage of growth called youthfulness.
The lies never ended but became more concrete and fearful.
✓ Wake up early so that you don't run out of time, can't you see Prof. Igala or do you think he made it by sleeping?
✓ Don't worry when you are done from school, you will have all the time to rest your life.
✓ When you are done with school you will have more life opportunities.

This is me in my thoughts.
Does it mean this opportunities only shows up when we are done?
They went further; prayer is the key, Don't stop praying so that you will be successful.
°Again i thought; How about Africa who prays more than Europe, why is she not successful.
These lies went on and on that we live in nothing but in the mental pictures created in our heads.

The new  me; Mummy I am done with school, please where are the opportunities you mentioned?
° Where are the jobs you mentioned?
° Where are the successes you talked about?
Mummy I didn't make bad friends but the society now makes me understand that I needed both good, bad and sociable friends, as my success can be gotten from a relationship built with someone I called bad in the past.
° Here is the 4A paper you mentioned, but it is as useless as death because it couldn't get me a job like you mentioned.

All that I sort for in this world of post graduation I found uselessness, but the sales of ideas and not papers.
Why didn't you speak truth  at our stage childhood because even now, I still haven't found rest as a graduate like you said.
Now I know it wasn't sleeplessness that made Prof. Ighala successful, but his ideals and who he knows.
Now I know Papa Adamu unsuccessfulness isn't as a result of his absence from school, but his absence of creativity and ideals.

For all my mistakes and the lies they told us.
°There is nothing like success for a man who doesn't sleep but for a man who rest but when his head is working.
° The A4 paper doesn't guarantee success but our ideas, the location we find ourselves and the people we have been able to establish a relationship with.
° The lies of childhood and at adulthood remain lies but can be true if we don't put our assumption into positive result to debonk their thoughts.
                Daya Baridule Paul.
           C.E.O DULE D CONCEPT
             FOUNDER; REBRAND.
