Flipping through the precious virtue left unto us, and with my imagination seeing the beautiful life lived with glory and honour of my fathers, rain drops fall from my eyes, forming an ocean of thought of which I snack deep in it.

Shortly my eyes opens to a world I was never part of.
Tick tock tick tock, the time  moves backwards. Oh how beautiful we looked with the beads of symbols round our neck, and glittering to the thief’s of my unique image. No doubt this place is fueld with beautiful memories, some which may lead to a revolt against the evil spare casted upon our generation.

In the pool of thought I ask; AM I REALLY A MIXED BLOOD?. Now that the life we live , seems totally different from what it used to be, in the past.
Been buried in thoughts, I saw how beautiful our future would have been, if not cut short by the thieves who sat in 1884 for the scramble and partition of a continent in which they were scared of their glorious future.
Seeing how beautiful and hardworking our ancestor’s were, and coming to see that our colors and nature are far different from that which they had, AM I REALLY A MIXED BLOOD?.
Now that I prefer indomie, and spaghetti to replace the wonderful healthy natural delicacies our fathers ate and stood strong, AM I REALLY A MIXED BLOOD?.

How beautiful to see our fathers fought side by side in resistance to preserve our cultures. From the East to West, and South to North, until the weak sailors adopted the strategy of "killing with gifts".
Now this histories are only mysteries for;
I do not know how to speak my language fluently, yet I make English a major language. Learning it day and night till the day of my death. Now that I don’t bear just my names but mixing my names with john Daniel, Theophilus, Matthew, Mary and lucky, AM I REALLY A MIXED BLOOD.
Yet we all loved ourselves despite the inward conquering of our brothers / neighbors, and using of our loved ones to appease the gods beyond.

The thieves came  walking in our midst not minding the thousands of death recorded among them, holding to the check of those they condemned and laying with pointed oranges of the dust.
They called us dirty, thinking our colors were because we never used showers, not knowing that we were just dark because of  our potentials are untapped.
Here I see the origin of our predicament.

Looking at same necks where I once saw beautiful beads and cultures, not to see what’s made us unique but rather now seeing a people FRANTZ FANON called “BLACK SKIN, WHITE MASK in his book THE WRETCHED OF THE EARTH. Oh how I have been reduce to nothing, and making me look like a stranger in my own house.
Seeing my siblings; some red skin (Albino ), Some dark as what I saw to be my true image, Some white  with hairs of those that enslaved our fathers, and me “A TOTAL EXCEPTION OF WHAT OTHERS ARE, BUT A COMBINATION OF ALL SEEN
    “Brown skin, Albino eyes, dark hairs with
        the total embodiment of the western


SUMMARILY: The free writing “AM I REALLY A MIXED BLOOD", is a secret question asked haven seen the distinct differences between the western world and the African people within the 16th century, and comparing it to what we have today. Whereas we can’t really tell if we are truly blacks or whites, knowing fully well that we only have a diluted culture, tradition and color identity, putting us on a round page of not being certain about ourselves.
…If it were to be you, what would be your answer?
Are we really a mixed blood now that we have thrown away that which makes us different, and borrowed what’s not ours?.



  1. A nice piece...
    I believe the all bothering and embarrassing question of "Am I a Mixed Blood?" should be centered and summed on a revitalized culture cum acculturation of Africans and Africa at large., little no wonder why intelligentias of old like Nkrumah, Nyerere, Fanon, among others evolved continental theories for the unity and growth of the African continent...

    #anticipating the "Am I a Mixed Blood II"...

  2. A nice piece.
    We Africans should know that our culture is gradually fading away.

  3. We Africans have left the best of us behind,busy chasing shadows
    Looking at the world today,I wonder what the future holds for us.
    Nice piece

  4. Very nice piece .
    It's impressive

  5. Wow this article should be published on international journals, so that all Africans will read it. Beautiful one my brother.


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