SUNRISE AT SUNSET.

   This piece centers on hope, a vital tool for human existence and co-existance in a deplorable, unjust society of the dark continent having Nigeria as a case study. Analyzing her weaknesses, capitalizing on her strength, courage and resilience to continuous faith in a future long captured and traded for Power, Authority, Wealth, Influence,  Undue Respect, and political party interest. 
     Selling off our pride of being human to think, feel and have compassion for others knowing that there's an after life.

       In a beautiful morning, having the early 60’swhispering the down of a new beginning for the young and the birth of a turning point for the visionary advanced generation. The old weren’t left out as they felt it was the security for their more advanced age. Bitterness flowing through the bloodline of the colonial masters but to a large extent the incapacitation of their strength has been greatly brought under their nose.
    Regrettably giving out the license of freedom (Independence), thou never intentional regarding the freedom of the rich zone, With their swords of envy they pierce the Hearts of brothers against brothers, nations against nations, kings against citizens, oh what evil has covered the moon. For the general good in  African men arose with a conciousnes, for a united people of diversity.
    Having Nigeria as a case study, the people of different decents brought under one accord through amalgamation by Lord Lugard, who saw the night of "Pains, hard labor, and Taxation for things the law prohibites them from enjoying". Their morning was for mourning, afternoon  to pick up their pieces and continue in mourning. Now independence of 1960 and being a republic at 1963 became the era of their sunrise though it never rises because their lifestyle were never better from that which they experience as political captives.

      These were the darkness of a darken day.
A time when the narrtives changed, having the "Sun set at a time of it's rising, long enough were effort put together to set the sun(economy) rising. 
* Following the various bloody coup, the sun decided to permanently set than rise.
*  Our faith ran from accepting our fate.
*  Our hates grew stronger that we wished we never can together.
   Certainly the sun slept  at the time of it's rising.
In Chase of revival and re-engagement for a society and economy that would be called a desirable one, Nationalism and patriotism sets in. The likes of late Ken Saro Benson Wiwa stepped in with a strong desire to change the narrative but he was brutally murdered in cold blood.
    Late Fella kuti championed a course of mental awareness and liberation, but was tagged to be mad and under the influence of natural herbs,  gins and his numerous female companions. But who really is tormented if not them that has made sun set at a time for sun rise. "What a tragedy for a nation with a promising future, wrapped in the heart of only a few citizens who seek the growth and stability of Africa most endowered resource country".

     Time fly's and destiny slowed down, but best of it all was that they birthed a more resilient and brutal generation, whose  eyes were tired for seeing the sun sleeping at the time of it's rise (SUNSET AT SUNRISE).
   A generation who saw death as equal to living because, death is what they experience in a much rich country as theirs (NIGERIA). In their numbers regardless of the delay by their fathers, they occupied the major cities in demand for the devidence of democracy and an end to bad governance.
     Like expected, those meant to protect them took their lives by the triggers, rendered destinies fruitless, mothers hopeless and to those who were left fearless, for their actions only killed a few but made the SUN rise at its time of Rest.
  2023 will be a turning point because the sun no longer sleeps, but is up at it's time of it'srest (SUNSET).
