When people die, it is sometimes said; they gave up the ghost. This statement isn’t very clear because everyone hopes to live and in the statement, it wasn’t even the sickness that killed them but the lost of hope to keep holding on ( think about this brief word).~Daya Baridule Paul.
When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, “It is well, it is well with my soul.” ~Horatio Gates Spafford
You can check to inspire yourself from his hymn dated back in 1873.

I wouldn’t want to bore us with history by explaining what lead to the writing of the hymn “It is well with my soul”  but for those who don’t know check the full story on (In summary he was at the point where all hope was lost and courage what the only weapon that kept him and made him lived 15 years after such tragic occurrence in 1873 (occurrence 1873, death date 1888).

In all that happened to him, he could have resulted to giving up knowing there was nobody he was existing for or knowing he might not have a helping hand at his old age. Generally everyone in the society is battling with one challenge or the other, but 80% of these people are survivers and that is why we still have the poor exiting in a society of wealthy, rich and middle class like Nigeria. Take for instance a patient who has HIV virus is labeled to die without 2 to 3 years of illness back those days in the 90s and early 2000. Today people live with worse illnesses but live longer because their hopes has been restored through vaccination.
This brings us to the binary of life (success) and death (failure).
Two spirits possess a man and it depends on the one given more attention to, to qr are aáaaaaxàxxreplicate it’s features in a person’s life.

Fear and Courage.
Fear: Fear is a feeling.
According to the English dictionary, it is a strong, uncontrollable, unpleasant emotion or feeling caused by actual or perceived danger or threat.
Courage : courage is a decision built by knowledge. The more you are exposed to the knowledge and the workability of a thing, the less you get scared. It doesn’t just happen it takes the discipline of the mind.
According to English dictionary; courage is The quality of being confident, not afraid or easily intimidated, but without being incautious or inconsiderate.

Lastly before I continue, let me give a biblical scenario of David as it is recommended in 1 Samuel 30:6.
David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God. At this point David had no one on his side but a weapon of warfare which in return he used in overcoming, and that weapon was courage.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.~Mark Twain

This statement is most time used to describe the strength behind courage. Courage being an integral part of every battle, stands to be the only weapon that can defeat failure. For example the second world war WWII of  1939–1945 and the great fear that engulfed the whole world towards Adolf Hitler of Germany and Hideki Tojo of Japan. It took courage for president Franklin Delano Roosevelt to lunch the Manhattan project which ended the war (Remember the united state of America USA, was not yet a world power).
The united state could have been scared to come into the war because stronger powers and people like Joseph Stalin of the Soviet union couldn’t put an end the war. Also taking a look at the generality of wars and fights, you will understand better that most times the undermined person tends to win the fight. A good example is the person of Muhammad Ali of blessed memory, Who won 56 matches he also had 5 losses and 37 knockout. Considering his size and the numerous giant he defeated, we can all agree that it is not the size of a man that makes for victory but the size of the fight in a man that makes for victory.

 “Courage is when you’re afraid, but you keep on moving anyway. Courage is when you’re in pain, but you keep on living anyway.”
The truth remains that we all have our separate battles daily but the reason we haven’t been swallowed by them, is because have always hoped to overcome. Haven’t you gone through things and when you are finally out, you look back and smile.

There is a popular saying that, na who give up fuckup.
Likewise winning takes nothing but courage.

Courage isn’t the last resort, It isn’t a thing that a man can call at some future time when he’s apt to fall; If he hasn’t it now, he will have it not when the strain is great and the pace is hot. For who would strive for a distant goal must always have courage within his soul.

It is said that courage cannot be the last thing that a person executes when he has lost his hopes on everything. It cannot be the final weapon that one tries to use when one does not have anything else to apply. Courage is not one’s last option or last resort in a time of crisis. He applies the same idea to both the work of life and a game of sport. For example when a cricketer loses hope in his chances of winning and chooses to take a chance in the final over and hits sixers, it is not courage that popped up at the last minute. The courage had always been there in him during the game. That is what forced him to perform well at the last minute.

Courage is not a final weapon when one loses hope, but courage brings hope and trust for the imaginable to happen.~Daya Baridule Paul.
Just like how a man cannot master courage at the last minute, he also cannot gather up courage for a future event, anticipating what is to happen. It is not something that a man can call for when he feels that he is about to fall. He cannot summon courage at his own will, only when he needs it. It cannot come naturally to a person during an emergency unless he has always had it in him. If he does not possess it in him in the present, then there is no way he can muster it instantly when the strain is great or the pace is hot ie. During anxious and difficult times.

“The brave die never, though they sleep in dust: Their courage nerves a thousand living men (Minor J. Savage).” Bravery, is a noun. It’s a behavior that one displays through an action. Everyone has a different way of showing bravery and there are many ways of showing this kind of behavior. It’s not just want you do to show that you are brave, it’s also what you say. Tim O’Brien shows readers how his characters in stories, that he’s written based on his own experience, display different acts of bravery. Vietnam literature proves that Vietnam was bravery.


Nothing on earth was created with a value except humans, outside that everything existing that has value today was given that value by humans.~Daya Baridule

Man was created with the value of adaptation and his ability to adapt to changes is determined by I courage to take a stand. One of the most difficult points in someone’s life, is when to either take a decision of going forward or staying back but we must understand that every time it’s not the right time to make such decision and as such, it takes courage to put down the fears of failure, set back, intimidation but pick up the strength found in courage.
Between you and your achievements was fear and courage.
Also between you and  the future is the weapon of courage.
