

         COURAGE IS A WEAPON. When people die, it is sometimes said; they gave up the ghost. This statement isn’t very clear because everyone hopes to live and in the statement, it wasn’t even the sickness that killed them but the lost of hope to keep holding on ( think about this brief word).~Daya Baridule Paul. When peace like a river attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, “It is well, it is well with my soul.” ~Horatio Gates Spafford You can check to inspire yourself from his hymn dated back in 1873. I wouldn’t want to bore us with history by explaining what lead to the writing of the hymn “It is well with my soul”  but for those who don’t know check the full story on (In summary he was at the point where all hope was lost and courage what the


THE LIES THEY TOLD US. Growing up was way too interesting than we enjoyed it. The unlimited happiness of childhood, a stage in life where we had to worry about nothing else but ourselves. A stage of carelessness, mistakes and ignorance. A stage where all we wanted was the now. How beautiful was it yet, we where forced to accept adulthood, punished for our mistakes and prevented from exhibiting /exploring the stage to it's fullest. In other to prevent us from our true identity, lies where framed to keep us scared that we accepted adulthood before we became adults. The lies they told us. ✓Read, Musa read so that you don't end up like papa Adamu. ✓Baridule don't speak up so that we don't loose you like your ancestors who rebelled against dictatorship government and the Colonia matters. ✓ Choose only friends from Godly background because evil communication corrupt good manners . ✓If you want to be successful, then get the 4A degree paper so that you can be employed. Oh


                   SUNRISE AT SUNSET. INTRODUCTION .    This piece centers on hope, a vital tool for human existence and co-existance in a deplorable, unjust society of the dark continent having Nigeria as a case study. Analyzing her weaknesses, capitalizing on her strength, courage and resilience to continuous faith in a future long captured and traded for Power, Authority, Wealth, Influence,  Undue Respect, and political party interest.       Selling off our pride of being human to think, feel and have compassion for others knowing that there's an after life.        In a beautiful morning, having the early 60’swhispering the down of a new beginning for the young and the birth of a turning point for the visionary advanced generation. The old weren’t left out as they felt it was the security for their more advanced age. Bitterness flowing through the bloodline of the colonial masters but to a large extent the incapacitation of their strength has been greatly brought und


THE FUTURE IS UNDER ATTACK.   Africa, a continent of able men. Courageous to do jobs of machines, and yet meeting up with marital demands. Colored by darkest of colors, the symbols of greatness and strength. From time of creation, down to the center were our strength were betrayed for portage that have slowly kept our future under attack. From the early 16th/17th centuries, came the dilution of wine of our future. That which has generated into aborting the babies in the womb, or causing mental and physical inabilities of the future we dance for in anticipation. To some we are tilting the right path, while to others we are still taking in pills that are destroying the formation of the future. First we were free, then became captured by some masters, diffusing into servitude, and the builders of nations we are forever strangers to. Breeding their dollars, and lending our freedom all for piece of cakes, not even considering our future to be under attack. Today our actions, or


COVID-19 AND THE GIANT (AFRICA) With an angry look on the face, the white, black, red, and those who claim to be Brown skin frowns to the punches received from the pandemic, disqualifying or reducing the values of great papers (Certificates) and experience. Putting the world in a state of hope, hoping for where the savior may come from. In a pool of tears, the hearts of greater men swims, raising suspicion and increasing racism, making the system more dramatic than what it looks like since after the cold war. See how it has disgraced those that claims to be giants, dragging their starch and powders to the ground. Proving how untrusted they can be.  Africa how come we are expecting from those who are expecting results, hoping the savior will show up from any part of the world?. Africa, we were never born small. We are giant because without us, the economy of Europe won’t have gotten to it’s climax as it is. The Asian tiger and the Americans won’t have continually clash, just to carry ou


 AFRICAN POISON This is your classroom painted with multiple colors. and here are some books you can get yourselves busy with, says our teacher. Flipping through the books of history, countless questions arose . Putting me in a world best explained in my head THE AFRICAN POISON How envied we are , and how honored they were to step  feet into a land flowing with resources that gave them the status they claim to have today. From creation we existed with able bodied men Working tirelessly for the picture of a strong continent. Fighting side by side to defend and protect their people, cultures, and sovereignty “So help us God, they say” In diversity we fought, conquered ourselves and built empires that the pink, but red when angry and white skins, came to destroy. Yes we were united despite raiding our towns by ourselves, because if we weren’t, the hatted cowmen, and sailors wouldn’t have reported religion as the only way to break in, and to steal our heritage from us. Just as


AM I REALLY A MIXED BLOOD Flipping through the precious virtue left unto us, and with my imagination seeing the beautiful life lived with glory and honour of my fathers, rain drops fall from my eyes, forming an ocean of thought of which I snack deep in it. Shortly my eyes opens to a world I was never part of. Tick tock tick tock, the time  moves backwards. Oh how beautiful we looked with the beads of symbols round our neck, and glittering to the thief’s of my unique image. No doubt this place is fueld with beautiful memories, some which may lead to a revolt against the evil spare casted upon our generation. In the pool of thought I ask;  AM I REALLY A MIXED BLOOD?.  Now that the life we live , seems totally different from what it used to be, in the past. Been buried in thoughts, I saw how beautiful our future would have been, if not cut short by the thieves who sat in 1884 for the scramble and partition of a continent in which they were scared of their glorious future. Seei